You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
By Tony Forder
I don't like to use this space to talk politics – The Limetree Roadside PubCafe is supposed to be a place to Relax, Contemplate and Reflect – but it's hard to ignore the upheavals going on around us right now every day.
I previously wrote, We Were Warned. Yes we were, but it's turning out much worse than many of us expected. There seems to be no limits to this administration's dictatorial ambitions and disregard of peoples' well-being at home and abroad.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like we're living in a nightmare – one which gets progressively worse. And as the headline states, You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet. Incompetent may be a nice term for many of Trump's cabinet appointees. Dangerous may be more accurate, because we haven't really seen these people fully operate yet. (Well, they actually may not have a chance, someone else may have taken over – begins with M, ends with K).

I just returned from a quick trip to Canada. While people were friendly toward me for the most part, I found myself at a loss as to explain what is going on in the states. Why is America so bent on hurting its allies? Already in the grocery stores people are taking their time on their purchases, looking at labels, avoiding US products and trying to buy Canadian. In light of new tariffs, companies are already downsizing, laying workers off.
If you ask me, America already has enough enemies. Trump’s tariffs and protectionism coupled with the obliteration of US aid around the world is creating a new acronym – MAHA
Make America Hated Again (actually, I don't know when America was ever as hated as it is likely to become). With the diplomatic tool of American aid gone, the door is open for China to waltz in and assert its global influence.
How do we react? We can get progressively angrier by reading facebook posts, but truthfully I get more angry about someone throwing their dog’s shit in my recycling bin because I am not directly affected…yet.
At least we still have freedom of the press, right? Maybe for now...but the White House announced it is going to choose who to invite to its press conferences. Welcome propaganda.
Maybe this full-on assault on American democracy is what people voted for, but I kind of doubt it. As I read somewhere, "To think that a bunch of billionaires are working their butts off to help working people is beyond stupid."
What can a poor boy do? First relax, turn off your TV (Kill it). How much news do you need every day? Especially avoid talk shows, it's not political talk or discussion it's mostly rant.
(BTW, what exactly is ranting – To speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.
Rant comes from the Dutch ranten, "to talk nonsense." Remind you of anyone?).
Here’s another acronym, BGADG – Be Good And Do Good.
Write On!